Sunday, 20 May 2012

Update, Again...

i made some improvements on the shield:

i added more details to the front as to mimic a real spartan shield and also two straps for the character's arm to slot in.

as for the textures, here are two, but im not sure as to which im gonna be using for the shield. im planning on using the first one for the base colour and use the second one for the scratches and the black patches...

we also included a health regaining element in our game. i've modelled a heart. when the character walks over it, he will regain a life. we decided that we're not gonna make a health bar but we're gonna have the character lose a life once he's been hacked or slashed.

and here's what im planning to make the heart look like in the game. and its gonna be floating in mid air, spinning around.

Sunday, 13 May 2012


so far we have made a draft as to how our game will look like. we made a terrain in Unity as to see how the arena will most probably be. there will be mountains surrounding the Colosseum.. it will look something like this,

the colosseum will be placed directly in the middle. and here's the textured mountains.

as for the equipments, this is what i got so far for my shield.