Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Effects (Updated on 7th July)

as for the effects, i will be doing the dust particles when the character is running as well as jumping and i will be adding one more pickup whereby the character will get a speed boost after picking it up. here are my references.

these are the references for the dust:

these two were my old references

this one is the updated one.

and here is my old reference for the movement speed buff:

here are 2 more new references for the buff effect:

it will be something like this but i will add my own touch to it.

here is my new effect. i will make the extinguised fire smoke effect on some of the torches found around the ring

Assignment 1 Update

for this assignment, i did the boxed heart's script where the character would pass through it and it will refill his health. this is the script:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Healthpickup : MonoBehaviour {

public GameObject target;

void OnTriggerEnter(Collider notMe)
if(notMe.tag == "healthpickup")
PlayerHealth.curHealth = PlayerHealth.curHealth +=100;

and for the boxed heart itself, i simply created a box in maya and textured it. her is how it looks like.

and also i scripted the part where the dummy disappears after it dies.