Sunday, 5 August 2012


This is the summary of all that i've done for the game.

Here is my effect for the speed buff. It triggers whenever the character picks up the speed pickup, the box with the boots textured on it. How I did this effect was simple. I had the main particle to emit a few particles at a time then I added a subemitter. The subemitter is the long streaked particles in yellow. The main one is the red arrows.

and here is the settings for the speedBuff particles.

and here is the script i scripted for the particles to trigger and how long the speed buff will last. I had to search on the internet to find out how to script the timing for the buff.

and here's my second effect, the dust trail. i simply created the particle effects and edit the colour, added velocity and changed the emission from 'Time' to 'Distance'. initially i had a box collider connected to the feet joint and i had a script to trigger the dust on whenever the box collider collided with the terrain but it gave me problems when the character jumps.

here's the settings for the dust particles.

here's the smoke that i did to be put on the torches on some of the arena.

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