Sunday, 5 August 2012


This is the summary of all that i've done for the game.

Here is my effect for the speed buff. It triggers whenever the character picks up the speed pickup, the box with the boots textured on it. How I did this effect was simple. I had the main particle to emit a few particles at a time then I added a subemitter. The subemitter is the long streaked particles in yellow. The main one is the red arrows.

and here is the settings for the speedBuff particles.

and here is the script i scripted for the particles to trigger and how long the speed buff will last. I had to search on the internet to find out how to script the timing for the buff.

and here's my second effect, the dust trail. i simply created the particle effects and edit the colour, added velocity and changed the emission from 'Time' to 'Distance'. initially i had a box collider connected to the feet joint and i had a script to trigger the dust on whenever the box collider collided with the terrain but it gave me problems when the character jumps.

here's the settings for the dust particles.

here's the smoke that i did to be put on the torches on some of the arena.

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Effects Update !!

i've started on making the smoke for the extinguished flame on some of the torches that can be found all around the arena. this is what i got for my final smoke.

its just a simple particle system with a few options being tweaked here and there like the size, color and velocity over lifetime. i added the velocity over lifetime in the X and Y axis to make it spread out more. if not it would just blow straight up in the Z axis. below are shots of what i did for my settings.

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Effects (Updated on 7th July)

as for the effects, i will be doing the dust particles when the character is running as well as jumping and i will be adding one more pickup whereby the character will get a speed boost after picking it up. here are my references.

these are the references for the dust:

these two were my old references

this one is the updated one.

and here is my old reference for the movement speed buff:

here are 2 more new references for the buff effect:

it will be something like this but i will add my own touch to it.

here is my new effect. i will make the extinguised fire smoke effect on some of the torches found around the ring

Assignment 1 Update

for this assignment, i did the boxed heart's script where the character would pass through it and it will refill his health. this is the script:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Healthpickup : MonoBehaviour {

public GameObject target;

void OnTriggerEnter(Collider notMe)
if(notMe.tag == "healthpickup")
PlayerHealth.curHealth = PlayerHealth.curHealth +=100;

and for the boxed heart itself, i simply created a box in maya and textured it. her is how it looks like.

and also i scripted the part where the dummy disappears after it dies.

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Update, Again...

i made some improvements on the shield:

i added more details to the front as to mimic a real spartan shield and also two straps for the character's arm to slot in.

as for the textures, here are two, but im not sure as to which im gonna be using for the shield. im planning on using the first one for the base colour and use the second one for the scratches and the black patches...

we also included a health regaining element in our game. i've modelled a heart. when the character walks over it, he will regain a life. we decided that we're not gonna make a health bar but we're gonna have the character lose a life once he's been hacked or slashed.

and here's what im planning to make the heart look like in the game. and its gonna be floating in mid air, spinning around.

Sunday, 13 May 2012


so far we have made a draft as to how our game will look like. we made a terrain in Unity as to see how the arena will most probably be. there will be mountains surrounding the Colosseum.. it will look something like this,

the colosseum will be placed directly in the middle. and here's the textured mountains.

as for the equipments, this is what i got so far for my shield.

Monday, 30 April 2012

Research part deux

my part in this game is to model the equipments like swords and shields. plus there will be hearts floating on the floor whereby the player walks over it and he regains his health.

its gonna look something like this:

here are some examples of the swords and shields that i will model.

here's a link as to show how our game will be like:

Friday, 20 April 2012

Assignment A

Group Name: RBK

Group members: Danial, Afiq, Me

Synopsis: Its a 3rd person game where there will be 2 gladiators fighting each other, pvp style. in addition there will be crates which contains health for the gladiators. they need to break it and take it to gain health.

these are a couple of references for the warrior:

as for the villain, im thinking of making it bigger and more stronger, so that theres a bit of a challenge, like the guy below...

Sunday, 15 April 2012


Name and Nickname : Shahril aka Giraffe

Hobby : Sleeping, sleeping and sleeping

Visual Effects Expertise : Maya

Favorite Food : Long John Silver's

Favorite Movie : Can't decide...

Favorite Website : 9gag